Uppena is an upcoming Telugu movie. The movie is directed by Buchi Babu San and will feature Panja Vaishnav Tej, Vijay sethupathi and Krithi Shetty as lead characters. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers banner. Devi Sri Prasad scored music.
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Director | Buchi Babu Sana |
Producer | Naveen, Y Ravi Shankar |
Music Director | Devi Sri Prasad |
Story | Sukumar |
Production Company | Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings |
Release date | May 2020 |
Language | Telugu |
Starring | Vaishnav Tej, Krithi Shetty, Vijay Sethupathi |
Cinematographer | Shamdat Sainudeen |
Dialogue Writer |
Srinivas Rongali |
Uppena First Look, Teaser & Trailer:-
Uppena First Wave
the Trailer video of Uppena Movie Movie will be updated soon after it gets officially
Uppena Movie Songs
1) Nee Kannu Neeli Samudram
Music:Devi Sri Prasad
Singer:Javed Ali
Telugu Lyrics:Shreemani
Hindi Lyrics:Raqueeb Alam
Hindi Vocals & Aalap:Srikanth Chandra
2) Dhak Dhak Dhak
Music :Devi Sri Prasad
Singers: Sarath Santhosh & Hari Priya
Lyrics : Chandrabose
Uppena all Songs Will be Updates Soon
Uppena Movie Posters
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