The movie begins with Raghupathi (Nassar) being introduced as the eldest of his three brothers – the other two being Raghava (Tanikella Bharani) and Rajaram (Vajja Venkata Giridhar) and sister Swarajyam (Rajitha) and her husband (Chandramohan) with Chandu (Ram) as the only son of Raghava and sole inheritor of the property of ‘R S Brothers’. Chandu plans the elopement of his cousin Swapna (Tamannaah) with her boyfriend (Navdeep) thanks to which he’s ousted from the house and is isolated from his family by Raghupathi. However, Chandu tries to re-establish links together with his relations , but to no avail. Meanwhile, on the Judgment Day of his college, Chandu and his friends meet their friend “Google” Gopi (Ravi Varma) who is depressed because his girlfriend will marry someone else. Chandu decides to prevent the wedding and marry off her to Gopi. However, they kidnap Pooja (Genelia D’Souza) instead of Gopi’s girlfriend thanks to a mistaken identity due to the function hall’s name. After being chased by some hooligans – who are after Pooja – they escape with the exception of Chandu and Pooja who find yourself in forest. Chandu falls for Pooja who also reciprocates her feelings.
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