Ugadi Images 2021 | Happy Ugadi Wishes, Images Quotes Messages Collection 2021:: Ugadi is the New Year’s Day for the Hindus of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana states in India. It is festively observed in these regions on the first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra. Ugadi marks a day of joy and happiness, aspirations and hope, the belief are that this day and its joys would foreshadow the course of events for the upcoming year. Ugadi marks the first day of the new year. Chaitra is the first month in Panchanga which is the Indian calendar. In some parts of India, it is known as Vikram Samvat or Bhartiya Nav Varsh. This holiday is mostly prevalent in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. Gudi Padwa, which is the Marathi new year, is also celebrated on the same day. Today we are celebrating Ugadi, the Telugu New Year Day, which is the first festival of our Telugu calendar and the first big festival that comes after Sankranti. 2021 Ugadi Telugu Images
Ugadi Date 2021 (శ్రీ ప్లవ నామ సంవత్సర )
13 April 2021 (Tuesday)
Telugu Calendar Year Name (తెలుగు సంవత్సరాలు పేర్లు)
2020 | Sarvari (శార్వరి) | 2080 | 1960, 1900, 1840 |
2021 | Plava (ప్లవ) | 2081 | 1961, 1901, 1841 |
2022 | Subhakritu (శుభకృతు) | 2082 | 1962, 1902, 1842 |
2023 | Sobhakritu (శోభకృతు) | 2083 | 1963, 1903, 1843 |
2024 | Krodhi (క్రోధి) | 2084 | 1964, 1904, 1844 |
2025 | Viswavasu (విశ్వావసు) | 2085 | 1965, 1905, 1845 |
2026 | Parābhava (పరాభవ) | 2086 | 1966, 1906, 1846 |
2027 | Plavanga (ప్లవంగ) | 2087 | 1967, 1907, 1847 |
2028 | Kīlaka (కీలక) | 2088 | 1968, 1908, 1848 |
2029 | Soumya (సౌమ్య) | 2089 | 1969, 1909, 1849 |
2030 | Sādhārana (సాధారణ) | 2090 | 1970, 1910, 1850 |
2031 | Virodhikritu (విరోధికృతు) | 2091 | 1971, 1911, 1851 |
2032 | Paridhāvi (పరిధావి) | 2092 | 1972, 1912, 1852 |
2033 | Pramādeecha (ప్రమాదీచ) | 2093 | 1973, 1913, 1853 |
2034 | Ānanda (ఆనంద) | 2094 | 1974, 1914, 1854 |
2035 | Rākshasa (రాక్షస) | 2095 | 1975, 1915, 1855 |
2036 | Nala (నల) | 2096 | 1976, 1916, 1856 |
2037 | Pingala (పింగళ) | 2097 | 1977, 1917, 1857 |
2038 | Kālayukti (కాళయుక్తి) | 2098 | 1978, 1918, 1858 |
2039 | Siddhārthi (సిద్ధార్ది) | 2099 | 1979, 1919, 1859 |
2040 | Roudri (రౌద్రి) | 2100 | 1980, 1920, 1860 |
2041 | Durmathi (దుర్మతి) | 2101 | 1981, 1921, 1861 |
2042 | Dundubhi (దుందుభి) | 2102 | 1982, 1922, 1862 |
2043 | Rudhirodhgari (రుధిరోద్గారి) | 2103 | 1983, 1923, 1863 |
2044 | Rakthakshi (రక్తాక్షి) | 2104 | 1984, 1924, 1864 |
2045 | Krodhana (క్రోధన) | 2105 | 1985, 1925, 1865 |
2046 | Akshaya (అక్షయ) | 2106 | 1986, 1926, 1866 |
Ugadi Pachadi
Ugadi Pachadi which is distributed on the day is a unique dish with a mixture of six tastes ranging from sweet to bitter. It comprises jaggery, raw mango, tamarind, neem flowers, salt, and green chili. This is the first dish that people have on Ugadi day. Download Ugadi Greetings
Here is Ugadi Telugu greetings 2021: 2021 Ugadi Greetings For Whatsapp Status
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Ugadi Telugu Images 2021 | Happy Ugadi Telugu Wishes, Images Quotes Messages Collection
Ugadi Telugu Images 2021
Ugadi Telugu wishes 2021
2021 Ugadi Wishes Greetings Telugu
2021 Ugadi Wishes Greetings Telugu
Ugadi Telugu Images 2021
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